Johny Wuss is simple template for better SEO with elegant looks. There's no specific feature in this template. It's a white and black and blue color with 3 column blogger with 1 right sidebar and 3 column footers.
Features :
Simple template blogger with elegant look
Auto readmore without javascript
Fast loading
Stylish threaded comment
SEO friendly and visitor friendly
Sidebar toggle hide and show
Navigation menu dropdown
Ads ready and many more
This template suitable for all type of content blog especially for daily blogs updates. Feel free to use this and I hope you enjoy it and happy blogging.
Template Name : Johny Wusss
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website << INTRUKSI
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :
Ditulis Oleh : Galih Jinchuriki ~ Lordarts Team
Sobat sedang membaca artikel tentang Download Template SEO friendly Dan Keren untuk Blog. Oleh Admin, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste atau menyebar-luaskan artikel ini, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link dibawah ini sebagai sumbernya
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Dofollow Blog - Ok
U Comments, Me Backlinks - Ok
Link Active - No (Harap Edit atau Delete)
Moderasi - No
Spam - No